Logistics: one of our most important services

Logistics: one of our most important services

Logistics and shipments play a very important role in customer service. For Agrifeed this is more than true. We put a lot of energy into our logistics service and we apply the same seriousness and expertise that we put in the choice of suppliers and materials for fertilizers and feeds that you ask us.

What can we do, logistically, for you?
Agrifeed deliveries usually take place in two different ways:

    • Via Camion
    • Via Container, for very far markets


Usually we pack the product following our customers’ instructions.  The most common ways are:

  • Bulk goods
  • Bags of different sizes, depending on the needs

Find out more by watching the video on our official website.

Contact Agrifeed today for more information on our feeds or on our fertilizers.
